Tag Archives: madmen

Barbie Goes Madmen, So Does Ken

The personification of Betty Draper as Barbie is particularly resonant… because she represents “the wife who lives in her dream house whose soul is eaten away.”

— Robert Thompson, professor of television and popular culture at Syracuse

Good point, but:

Isn’t  Mr. Draper/Dick Whitman equally entrapped in his dream house with his soul eaten away?

Hence the boozing, screwing, drawer of cash, etc?

Or Roger? Hence the boozing, screwing, trophy wifery?

The soullessness seems to be evenly weighted between the gals and the gents.

But I quibble. This is a genius brand extension for both sides, and has quite the hefty little margin on it. I wish there was a Mad Men Draper dream house and Betty’s awesome station wagon, and a little more padding on Joan.


A Madmen accessory line for ladies, gents and barcart. I love the fact that Joan’s doll has her pen-as-necklace—would love one for myself.